Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Sura 10 Yunus or Jonah


3. God Have Created the heaven and the earth in six days

9. God will Guide those who believe and work righteousness. The Lord will Guide them because of their faith. Beneath them will flow rivers in garden of bliss.

10. They will say that the Lord is Glorious, and "peace" will be their greeting therein. And the close of their pray is "Praise be to God the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.

11. Usually when trouble touches a man, he cries unto the Lord ( in all postures ), lying down, sitting or standing, but when God have Sollved his trouble, he passeth on his way as if he never cried to God for a trouble that touched him

13. Generations before us God Destroyed when they did wrong: their apostles came to them with clear Signs, but they would not believe. Thus God Requited those who sin.

21. Generaly the Lord Makes mankind taste of Mercy after Adversity hath touched them.

22. If people travese through the sea, they sail with them a favourable wind, then comes a stormy wind and tha waves come to them from all side, and they think they are being overwhelmed, they cry unto God, but when He Delivered them, behold! They trangress insolently.

96,97,98. God Told us the story of the people of Jonah ( Yunus ), first they rejected the Signs of God, even when every Sign was brought unto them, until they see the Penalty Grievous, but when they believed, God Removed from them The Penalty of Ignomity, in this life of the present, and Permitted them to enjoy their life for a while.